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1.6 16V 110 Dynamique 3dr


1.6 16V 110 Dynamique 3dr

Engine1598 cc
Fuel TypePetrol
Reg Date26/03/2009

Vehicle Description

clean part exchange car to clear .

Top Speed 121 mph
0 - 62 mph 10.5 seconds
Engine Power 110 bhp
Engine Torque 111 lbs/ft
Cylinders 4
Valves 16
Engine Size 1598 cc
Transmission Manual

163 g/km CO2 Meter
Fuel Consumption (extra urban) 50.4 mpg
Fuel Consumption (urban) 30.4 mpg
Fuel Consumption (combined) 40.9 mpg
Euro Status EURO 4

Height 1423 mm
Length 4295 mm
Wheelbase 2640 mm

Seats 5
Vehicle Weight 1630 kg
Fuel Tank Capacity 60 litres
Minimum Kerb Weight 1205 kg
Max Towing Weight Braked 1300 kg
Max Towing Weight Unbraked 640 kg
Max Loading Weight 425 kg
Doors 3

Annual Road Tax £265

CO2 Emissions 163 g/km

Insurance Group 15E

ULEZ Compliant

Please note: The data displayed above details the usual specification of the most recent model of this vehicle. It is not the exact data for the actual vehicle being offered for sale and data for older models may vary slightly. We recommend that you always check the details with the seller prior to purchase.

AK Simpson Car Sales is an Appointed Representative of Automotive Compliance Ltd, who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 653497). Automotive Compliance Ltd’s permissions as a Principal Firm allows Perkins Garages Limited to act as a credit broker, not as a lender, for the introduction to a limited number of lenders and to act as an agent on behalf of the insurer for insurance distribution activities only.